So dad had an impulse buy of a new tent =P so we decided to test it out and spent the night in the Lakes!! Beautiful views, lambs, calves, coals and piglets! =D
Monday, 25 April 2011
New Phone...
So I finally got bored of my iphone and decided to get an Android phone! Got myself a Sony Ericsson Xperia X8 =)
I do miss the apple software but I am getting used to Android and this phone has a slightly better camera!
Please excuse the spelling mistake in last post! It should read FOAL not COAL =P
So a lot has happened since my post before last =)
Dad bought a Honda Innova.ANF125.
I had a night out in The Brinkburn, where Craig and Gary got harassed by a random drunk!
Craig and I built a jigsaw =)
Mum, Dad and I went camping in The Lakes last night =) we then drove to the Scottish Borders to visit Mama & Papa! We got chicken and chips for tea (well I had Rice instead of chips =P).
Sunday, 10 April 2011
Sleep deprivation...
So I finally drifted off to sleep about 5am and woke up at 8.10am urgghhhh :(
So I am sat in front of the telly trying to distract myself. I think I shall have to try and power nap whenever my cough is a little better!
On a plus side, the sun is shining :) and it is quite warm!
I think Summer is finally here!
Well fancy a BBQ!
So I am sat in front of the telly trying to distract myself. I think I shall have to try and power nap whenever my cough is a little better!
On a plus side, the sun is shining :) and it is quite warm!
I think Summer is finally here!
Well fancy a BBQ!
Still awake......
So I am still awake and coughing my guts up :( mum came down about 2.30am and we rang NHS Direct 111 No. However they were not particularly helpful :( nurse said there is nothing to do except carry on as I am O.o
I am bloody exhausted! I am going to miss out on a trip to IKEA as well :(
I am bloody exhausted! I am going to miss out on a trip to IKEA as well :(
I could SCREAM! this cough is actually getting worse! I am not evening coughing up mucus anymore it is just saliva :-/
I have been coughing my guts up for an hour and it just won't STOP! *cries* no wonders I have burst a blood vessel in my eye! I expect the other eye will burst soon too!
Massively sucks :( I just want the ground to swallow me up and make it all stop hmph!
I think I shall have to just stay up and try and cough up whatever I can O.o

I wish I was a panda.....
I have been coughing my guts up for an hour and it just won't STOP! *cries* no wonders I have burst a blood vessel in my eye! I expect the other eye will burst soon too!
Massively sucks :( I just want the ground to swallow me up and make it all stop hmph!
I think I shall have to just stay up and try and cough up whatever I can O.o
I wish I was a panda.....
Saturday, 9 April 2011
The weather today has been FABULOUS! Super sunny and super hot! However my cough has been a bloody pain in in the arse! So I popped to Morrisons to get some paracetamol, anti-histamines, breathe easy nasal strips and chicken bites *Nom* a strange shopping basket perhaps! I spent most of the afternoon indoors typing up Programmes for the Boys Brigade Activity Weekend and making up certificates!
I am currently sat watching the Lottery......Secret Fortune, where there is a right pair of idiots trying to win money.....they got rid of the highest amount of money on the first go! NOOBS!

So I was having a nosy through my pictures and found that one.....the Tardis and K-9 made for the Boys Brigade Arts Festival.......and it got 1st place!
I am currently sat watching the Lottery......Secret Fortune, where there is a right pair of idiots trying to win money.....they got rid of the highest amount of money on the first go! NOOBS!
So I was having a nosy through my pictures and found that one.....the Tardis and K-9 made for the Boys Brigade Arts Festival.......and it got 1st place!
Bad night :(
I had a bad night last night, the cough was making my eye hurt even more :( I woke up this morning to this...

I probably look like a bloody zombie or something *fail*
Well I am being productive today :) I have Programmes and certificates to sort out for the Boys Brigade Activity Weekend at Broomley Grange :)
I probably look like a bloody zombie or something *fail*
Well I am being productive today :) I have Programmes and certificates to sort out for the Boys Brigade Activity Weekend at Broomley Grange :)
Testing via iPad
Just testing my blogger app for the iPad! It appears to be working pretty well! Going to try putting a photo on =P

wohoo it seems to have worked!
wohoo it seems to have worked!
So when I went to bed I tried to put my Tongue bar back in (I had taken it out on Thursday to clean seeing as I had been really sick and there probs was loads of bacteria on it). would NOT go back in :( bugger. Oh well I shall just have to leave it out.
So it is 3.35am and I am still awake....the inhaler has helped my cough a little but made my mouth super dry so I am once again finding it extremely difficult to sleep :(
A bloody car alarm keeps going off as well, hmpphh.
So it is 3.35am and I am still awake....the inhaler has helped my cough a little but made my mouth super dry so I am once again finding it extremely difficult to sleep :(
A bloody car alarm keeps going off as well, hmpphh.
Friday, 8 April 2011
This evenings activity...
So tonight feeling a little sorry for myself as my cough is still being a pain in the bum I decided to sit in the lounge with my parents and we watched a film :)
"RED" was the film that we watched. Bruce Willis, Morgan Freeman, John Malkovich and Helen Mirren......retired CIA agents! FAB film! Very silly but very funny! Bruce Willis is still looking good too! =P
My cough got gradually worse as the night went on (I think my inhaler is helping a little) so mother decided to put some olbas oil in boiling water and get me to breathe in the vapours! Turns out she put TOO much oil in and now it is strong enough to blow your head off! So I have left it in my room....hopefully it will help me sleep!
Night all x
"RED" was the film that we watched. Bruce Willis, Morgan Freeman, John Malkovich and Helen Mirren......retired CIA agents! FAB film! Very silly but very funny! Bruce Willis is still looking good too! =P
My cough got gradually worse as the night went on (I think my inhaler is helping a little) so mother decided to put some olbas oil in boiling water and get me to breathe in the vapours! Turns out she put TOO much oil in and now it is strong enough to blow your head off! So I have left it in my room....hopefully it will help me sleep!
Night all x
Ok so it has been months since I posted which is awful :(
So since November 2010.....
It was Christmas =]
then New Year! Wohoooo! 2011!
I got a new iPhone! [well not new, second hand actually but still an iPhone!]
Got sacked from the Estate Agents.....
Me and my boyfriend split up after nearly 4 years! [however our relationship is much the same now as it was when we were "together" so makes you think!]
I got an iPad!
I made a Tardis and K-9 for this years Boys Brigade arts competition and WON!!!!!
Most recently.....
Saturday - went to the Walk in Centre because I felt kidney pain. Diagnosed with a water infection. Gave me antibiotics.
Sunday - felt like crap but I was taking the Mothering Sunday church parade so I went. Went to Craigs house afterwards.....was sick :( then got a couple of hours kip. Went home and was sick more, all day :(
Monday - went to the doctors who made me pee in a bottle to send to the lab, gave me different antibiotics and sent me on my way.
Tuesday - feeling better even managed to eat!
Wednesday - sick, sick, sick! Went back to Walk in Centre and saw a doctor who gave me anti sickness pills and some different antibiotics. Mum and I went to Sainsburys to the pharmacy to pick up my prescription. I was sick. On the floor. In front of everyone. *FAIL* Eventually got home and tried the anti sickness pill. You dont swallow it you put it on your gum and let it dissolve.....45 minutes later....SICK SICK SICK SICK! :( Rang NHS 111 who made me another appointment to see a doctor at the Walk in Centre (it was 10.30pm by this point). Doc took one look at me and admitted me straight to hospital! To be honest if he hadn't I would have taken myself there I felt so ill! After being prodded and poked and had a canular in I was sent to x-ray to check my chest. I was given an anti sickness injection and tried to sleep however I had a really bad cough and the little old lady opposite me would NOT SHUT UP! LMAO! bless her she was lovely but couldn't half talk you to death! I think I managed a couple of hours kip on and off before 7.30am arrived and the lights were on and breakfast was ready! I had toast and coffee plus some pills. Some doctors came to see me and advised that I did NOT have a water infection after all and all these antibiotics were doing me no good. Apparently I now have a Viral Infection and I have to cough up all the crap in my lungs, with the help of some pills that help break it all up. Mum and I sat in the discharge lounge for an HOUR waiting for these said pills. On the plus side we got coffee and sandwiches =]
Thursday - arrived home early afternoon and tidied my bedroom (which had random buckets of sick still lying about) urgh! Had a shower and despite my horrid cough I went to Boys Brigade. It was a good distraction, I couldn't stop the cough but I didn't feel as much pain :)
Cue nighttime! The cough was ten million times worse come midnight and I was at the point where my body was in spasm every time I tried to cough :( I was reduced to breathing only though one nostril to try and keep the cough at bay, so not much sleep and very achy by morning.
Friday (today) - there is no chance I was going to put myself through another night like last night so I booked another appointment at the doctors for 3.25pm. Mum got off work to take me. The doc gave me an inhaler to try and reduce the cough. He said my Liver results were high so I could have a gallstone and I had to keep an eye on my temperature over the weekend. (Parents were going up to Scotland to visit my Mama and Papa but they are going to stay at home and keep an eye on me - as I could end up in hospital again if I do have a gallstone).
So overall an eventful week this week....fingers crossed tonight isn't so horrendous.
I have job interview at Morrisons next Friday to be a Checkout Operator....not exactly ambitious but it is a job and a job means money.
I think I shall watch a film with my rents tonight =]
So since November 2010.....
It was Christmas =]
then New Year! Wohoooo! 2011!
I got a new iPhone! [well not new, second hand actually but still an iPhone!]
Got sacked from the Estate Agents.....
Me and my boyfriend split up after nearly 4 years! [however our relationship is much the same now as it was when we were "together" so makes you think!]
I got an iPad!
I made a Tardis and K-9 for this years Boys Brigade arts competition and WON!!!!!
Most recently.....
Saturday - went to the Walk in Centre because I felt kidney pain. Diagnosed with a water infection. Gave me antibiotics.
Sunday - felt like crap but I was taking the Mothering Sunday church parade so I went. Went to Craigs house afterwards.....was sick :( then got a couple of hours kip. Went home and was sick more, all day :(
Monday - went to the doctors who made me pee in a bottle to send to the lab, gave me different antibiotics and sent me on my way.
Tuesday - feeling better even managed to eat!
Wednesday - sick, sick, sick! Went back to Walk in Centre and saw a doctor who gave me anti sickness pills and some different antibiotics. Mum and I went to Sainsburys to the pharmacy to pick up my prescription. I was sick. On the floor. In front of everyone. *FAIL* Eventually got home and tried the anti sickness pill. You dont swallow it you put it on your gum and let it dissolve.....45 minutes later....SICK SICK SICK SICK! :( Rang NHS 111 who made me another appointment to see a doctor at the Walk in Centre (it was 10.30pm by this point). Doc took one look at me and admitted me straight to hospital! To be honest if he hadn't I would have taken myself there I felt so ill! After being prodded and poked and had a canular in I was sent to x-ray to check my chest. I was given an anti sickness injection and tried to sleep however I had a really bad cough and the little old lady opposite me would NOT SHUT UP! LMAO! bless her she was lovely but couldn't half talk you to death! I think I managed a couple of hours kip on and off before 7.30am arrived and the lights were on and breakfast was ready! I had toast and coffee plus some pills. Some doctors came to see me and advised that I did NOT have a water infection after all and all these antibiotics were doing me no good. Apparently I now have a Viral Infection and I have to cough up all the crap in my lungs, with the help of some pills that help break it all up. Mum and I sat in the discharge lounge for an HOUR waiting for these said pills. On the plus side we got coffee and sandwiches =]
Thursday - arrived home early afternoon and tidied my bedroom (which had random buckets of sick still lying about) urgh! Had a shower and despite my horrid cough I went to Boys Brigade. It was a good distraction, I couldn't stop the cough but I didn't feel as much pain :)
Cue nighttime! The cough was ten million times worse come midnight and I was at the point where my body was in spasm every time I tried to cough :( I was reduced to breathing only though one nostril to try and keep the cough at bay, so not much sleep and very achy by morning.
Friday (today) - there is no chance I was going to put myself through another night like last night so I booked another appointment at the doctors for 3.25pm. Mum got off work to take me. The doc gave me an inhaler to try and reduce the cough. He said my Liver results were high so I could have a gallstone and I had to keep an eye on my temperature over the weekend. (Parents were going up to Scotland to visit my Mama and Papa but they are going to stay at home and keep an eye on me - as I could end up in hospital again if I do have a gallstone).
So overall an eventful week this week....fingers crossed tonight isn't so horrendous.
I have job interview at Morrisons next Friday to be a Checkout Operator....not exactly ambitious but it is a job and a job means money.
I think I shall watch a film with my rents tonight =]
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