Tuesday, 31 May 2011


So the Walker family have a new addition! A minature Yorkshire Terrier called Archie!

He is such a cutie when he is asleep, but when he is awake he turns into a little mutant ankle biter! Haha! You don't dare take your shoes off around him, he will sit and chew on your toes!

So Craig rang me asking if I could bring the babygate over to put across the stairs to stop Archie going up the stairs, as he cannot get back down again! Lol!

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Jobs, Diets, Life!

Well...I did get the Naafi job AND the Morrisons job! Wohooo!

So at the moment my shifts are half an hour between each other! Which doesn't give me much time to actually get changed and get to the next shift! I often go 9 hours without food! =(

Which brings me onto the diet! It isn't really a proper diet, all I do is make a note of everything I eat on Myfitnesspal.com and then do some Wii Fit to try and burn the calories! The last two weeks haven't been too successful, staying at the same weight for both weigh ins, but today's weigh in was delightful! -3lbs! Wohoo!

So going to keep going and see how much weight I can loose!

Will keep this as updated as possible! =P


Tuesday, 10 May 2011

Still no call...

I am still waiting for a call to see if I got the Naafi job. I am so tense now urgh =(

Fingers crossed they ring soon!

A new chapter.....

So, I have successfully got a job at Morrisons working on the checkouts =) I also applied for a job at the Naafi, just waiting for a phone call to let me know if I got the job! *Fingers, toes, arms, legs, eyes crossed*

The plan was to work at the Naafi (as long as I get the job) from 10.00am till 2.00pm Monday to Friday then work evenings and weekends at Morrisons (as advertised).

However, just received my offer letter from Morrisons in the post giving me 5 shifts a week (which is fab!) on the downside, 2 of the shifts will clash the other job =(

So now, to wait.........

1. Wait to find out if I have got the Naafi job!
2. If I haven't, then no problem.
3. If I have, then will have to ring Morrisons and ask them if I can change the two shifts that clash.
4. If that doesn't work, I will have to pick one job or the other!

Urgghhhh =(

Anyhoo I shall forget about it for now. It is my mums birthday today, so I am going to meet her at work for 2.30pm and we are going to go out for lunch =D on me! (£10.00 budget :-/)