Wednesday, 30 November 2011

Everything is going nicely..

So I am getting a small steady request for Smunkees! My main aim is to get the name out there and friends on facebook are helping me out by sharing Smunkees with their friends :D

I am managing to keep to creating one Smunkee a night (except Thursdays - as I have Titanic Rehearsals) and I really need to knuckle down and perfect my audition song and pick a dialogue to memorise!! Eeekkk!! Tuesday 6th Dec is getting closer and I am not ready for my audition!! I HAVE to spend this weekend going over and over it! It was payday today so the first thing I purchased for Titanic - The Musical on iTunes! :D

The works Xmas Party is drawing closer too!! I am gonna hit the diet for the next two weeks and hope I lose just enough weight to fit perfectly into my bright pink dress! Ahhhhh I need to find some shoes!!! I am thinking Silver....

Monday, 28 November 2011

My Little Hobby

I have been a busy little bee and have been churning out my sock monkeys (now branded Smunkees) 1 a day :) and my dad has helped me set up a website domain:

I hope to work on the website over the next couple of months so for now I am using Facebook to get the word out! Luckily my super clever dad has set up the website address to direct to my Facebook page :)

I have made a few more Smunkees..

Tuesday, 22 November 2011


I seem to be surrounded by stupid people!

I still love my job though ^_^ wouldn't change it for anything! (Well maybe a lottery win - but that's it!) :P

Only 19 minutes until home time! Then I will go home and make more another Sock Monkey! I am really getting the hang of it now!

Here is one I made last night:

He is called "Neo" because he looks like Neopolitan Ice Cream :P

I think I am going to make a Facebook page for my Sock Monkeys and see if I can get some orders :D

Only 14 mins to go......

Sunday, 20 November 2011

A few changes!

So on Monday 7th Nov I arrived at Darlington train station where my mum picked me up! I went home, got a shower and drove over to the bus station! I stood in the freezing cold for nearly an hour to find out Tom had been taken into hospital and wasn't coming :(

So I decided I would still have my week off work and chill out! I went over to Aycliffe to visit some friends and my godsons. I stayed over there Monday and Tuesday night as it was Cameron's 4th birthday on the Wednesday!

I then went home later that afternoon and vegged out in my onesie in bed and watched True Blood Season 3! I had no intentions of getting dressed or going anywhere so watched True Blood Season 4 on Thursday and treated myself to a Dominoes Pizza! That wasn't a good idea....

I got FOOD POISONING! :( and I was very sick for two days! On the Saturday I managed to pull myself together and get dressed with the plan of going to my parents. I got to my car to find that it had had a wee and leaked out all its coolant! All I needed! So on the phone to father to help me! I took Sm!nty to my parents where they had a look at it! I stayed there overnight as dad needed to fix the water pump which wouldn't happen until Monday!

We had a lazy-ish day on Sunday (Mum and Inwent food shopping) then we chilled! Mum took me home in time for Rangers - where I made Sock Monkeys then went home to bed! What a week off eh?!

I was actually glad to be back at work on Monday! Mum picked Kelly and I up and took us to work while dad fixed my car. Luckily he was all fixed when we got home and I picked him up and took him home! I spent the evening making Sock Monkeys ready for the Boys Brigade coffee evening on Thursday!

After work on Tuesday I went to my last ever Rainbows where I got some lovely flowers and a photo frame to thank me for all my hard work :D it was a little but sad but I am sure I will go back at some point! Just need some me time for a while!

By Thursday I had enough sock monkeys to take to the coffee evening where I sold 3 and took 3 orders :D super chuffed!

Friday night was spent chilling out/attempting to learn my lines for the Church Murder Mystery! As was Saturday now I think about it! The murder mystery on Saturday night was fab - I really enjoyed it! And it spurred me to find out more about Amateur Dramatics in Darlington.....

Role on today (Sunday) and I received an email back from Darlington Operatic Society inviting me to audition! Rehearsals have already started for Titanic but I am welcome to go along and join in! It is on a Thursday night though which means practically giving up Boys Brigade as well! But I am going to have fun doing something I really enjoy for a change! Now to find me an audition song...

Monday, 7 November 2011


So it is Monday already! I soon worked out that many of my iPad apps don't work in Scotland! So I just sat and watched the world go by...

I got into Aberdeen at 1.05pm on Saturday and Stuart and his friend Stuart met me at the station! We went to hobbycraft in search of facepaints for Stuart's costume for his "School Disco" themed party/night out! We then went to Chiquitos for lunch (a first for me - I had to request my meal --> a breast of southern fried chicken and chips as everything on the menu was a bit foreign to me! Then Stuart's friend Cat turned up and then Stuart's flatmate Ben turned up to pick us up and take us to Macro to buy some bits and pieces for the party. Stuart's friend Stuart went home and the rest of us went straight to Macro where between the four of us we spent nearly £200 on alcohol, sweets and party decorations! =O

After much faffing about trying to get last minute costume bits we arrived at Stuart's flat around 5pm and spent 2 hours tidying and setting up for the party! We got ready after that and guests started arriving from 8pm!

The night was EPIC! About 20 of us spent 3 hours in the flat playing drinking games (at which point I had already demolished a bottle of Raspberry Sourz and 4 bottles of Smirnoff Ice!) We then preceded to find a bus stop to go into Aberdeen town centre...

Get this ---> Buses in Aberdeen do NOT carry change?! WTF? So after faffing on and off a bus we succeeded in hailing a taxi, and finally arrived at a bar called Cheers! It took me a good hour before I clicked that we were in a gay bar lmao! It was a fab night and everyone got very drunk!

By 2.30am I had had enough and decided to make my own way back to Stuart's which involved finding someone who knew Bens number so I could text him to find out his address...I had been up for 22 hours at this point and then had to stand in a taxi queue for nearly an hour, finally crawling in at 3.30am! It took me a good couple of hours to get to sleep as it was quite chilly.....and I finally nodded off around 6am.

I didn't stir until 2pm on Sunday when Cat arrived to collect some of her stuff, then Ben and I had chocolate cake, Ben went back to bed, Stuart got up, we watched several episodes of Torchwood, got some food then before we knew it it was 6.45pm and Ben emerged from his room ready for rehearsals for a show they are both in. I watched patiently for 2 and a half hours - I enjoyed it! Brings back memories of when we were at school rehearsing for plays and pantos! We got food and went home - it was 11.45pm when we got in. We didn't stay up too long, I was asleep by 1am.

And so it is Monday, I have been up since 6.30am and now I am sat on the train to go home to Darlington. I am due to arrive at 12.55pm, hopefully Mum can pick me up from the station, I will go home, get a shower, then pick up Tom from the bus station around 2.45pm! Wohooooooo! =D

Saturday, 5 November 2011

Sods Law...

So the gentleman on the train next to me didn't stay long, however he was replaced by a lady and two kids....noisy, messy kids that kick you in the leg and stare at you! Urgh. They are getting off in Edinburgh so I have some time to endure yet...

I have watched X-Men:First Class on my iPad and I still have 3 hours to go! I think a spot of BBCIPLAYER is in need!

A trip to Aberdeen!

I went to bed at 1am this morning after a night out at the local club, drinking, dancing and playing bingo! After 5 hours sleep I got up, had a shower and got a taxi to the train station! I have just jumped on the train and found my seat....on a table (wohoooo) but next to some guy who insists on spreading out :( let's hope he isn't sitting there for the entire journey!

I have downloaded a couple of films to watch and got my wifi all sorted for the train, so hopefully the next 5 hours won't be so boring! I love train journeys anyway! It's amazing what you can learn from just watching other people!

Roll on an EPIC weekend with lots of drinking and dancing! ^_^