Thursday, 21 June 2012

Bad Times..

Morning! It's not really a good morning for me though :( I miss Ste and won't see him for another 10 hours or so.

I have a really sore throat today :( need to find some throat sweets otherwise I will be a right misery guts all day!

The sun... Has buggered off! How depressing! I definitely feel better when the sun is out :)

Right time to walk to the bus stop and go to work!

Hopefully today won't drag too much :)

Wednesday, 20 June 2012

Half way through the week....

Ok so it's Wednesday. I would be much happier of it was Friday afternoon...but got a couple of days to go yet!

Going to the cinema this evening with Mony, we will pick what we want to watch when we get there! Ooh get me not planning ahead! That's a rare occurrence!

I won't see the bf tonight :( that will be the first night apart in weeks! That makes me sad! I will see him tomorrow after work though so will just have to look forward to that! I also get the spend the whole weekend with him - so I will be a happy bunny :)

The weather is lovely (Hayfever hit me like a bus this morning though) I just hope the sun lasts a little longer than a few days.

Right work to do...films to see....Smunkees to make!

Monday, 18 June 2012

It's June already!

Ok I have been neglecting my blog - but so much has been going on!

So since April I have been in Titanic the Musical at Darlington Civic Theatre, I have had more Smunkee orders, fell in love, changed jobs, lost over a stone, it's been the Queens Diamond Jubilee and the Olympic Torch came through Darlington yesterday!

I have decided not to perform in Footloose the Musical this year but am considering doing the backstage stuff :)

I fell in love with Stephen Lauder. He is my whole life now. We have been together 6 weeks today but it feels like 6 years (in a good way).

My employers made my job redundant and moved me to another department; Commercial Data. I'm not sure if I am going to enjoy it :/ all I want to do at the moment is spend all my time with Ste <3

We had planned to spend the entire weekend together, however it was sprung on him that he had to work all day Saturday and half day yesterday. I wasn't a happy bunny :(

Ste and I had a lovely time together yesterday though :) we went to Middlesbrough to watch Men In Black 3 in 3D. It was hilarious as I had to wear 3D glasses over my own new (Gok Wan) glasses! We had totally misjudged the movie times and had to leave early as not to miss the last train home. I actually had to RUN from the cinema to the station :O

What else? Oooh I started a new diet 5 weeks ago called The Celebrity Slim Shake Diet. So far I have lost 21lbs in 4 weeks! Next weigh in is on Wednesday (although I did have a night off last night as we went to Pizza Hut. Nom Nom Nom.)

Exciting stuff eh?