Friday, 2 December 2011


Last night was rehearsals for Titanic which I really enjoyed and went really well. After that they wanted all new members to stay behind to go over what would happen with our audition on Tuesday. We all had a go at our song with the Pianist...

My attempt was pretty awful :( I got so nervous and kept taking short intakes of breath in the wrong places! I was so nervous and I don't know why! I have no control over it! I think a little dutch courage may be needed come Tuesday!!

I am going to go over it all weekend with my mum - and attempt to learn one of the dialogues and have everything crossed that I will do great on the night! I will have to perform in front of a panel of 13 people!! Unlucky for some! I am determined to get in! I haven't been so excited about anything in a long time!

1 comment:

  1. Best of luck Dani - hope you get over the nerves on the night. Just imagine if you were auditioning on the X-Factor stage in front of an audience - 13 people won't seem so many then x
